Welcome to my website and blog. Its purpose is to share my work with the world in the hope some of you might enjoy the story excerpts that I’ve included. Of course, I am also hoping that a savvy agent will happen upon these pages and be kind enough to offer to represent me!
My name is Brian Wagstaff but I am know by most as Wag. I have been working in education for more years than I care to share, and in 2014 I began a Masters degree in creative writing. I started the course to further my long-time-coming novel Anything For My Baby which was in about its one hundredth draft. While studying I met many wonderful writerly friends and in their company I found renewed enthusiasm and enjoyment in the short story. As you can see, I have now amassed a small collection and excerpts are available here.
This blog will be used for announcements of publication, general musings on the creative process, and from time to time essays about writing, authors I admire, and book reviews.
I hope you enjoy your time spent here.
David and I always enjoy our time in your company, Brian, even virtually.
Looking forward to entering the Boudoir of the Second Empire.
Thank you, Ann. See you both soon, I hope!